A little more about me since you are choosing someone to be with you in this precious time of your life. 

Ever since I was small I was drawn not only to babies but details about pregnancy and birth. and would check out books from the library and read about pregnancy and birth. As a young pregnant mother I knew I wanted to try to go as low intervention as possible for the birth of my daughter. I took Bradley classes and our instructor suggested we hire a doula. The idea intrigued me but I naively thought that my then husband and I were equipped to handle labor by ourselves. Being a somewhat private person I thought I didn't want a "stranger" at my birth. You can laugh, it's ok. I was oh so wrong. After a rather long birth, I admired my newborn daughter, looked at her exhausted father and said what we were both thinking. "We should have hired a doula." By the time our daughter had arrived we had many strangers in the room! Shift changes, a maintenance person - you name it. We decided to get a postpartum doula and it was the best decision. I realized that if I had misunderstood how valuable a doula was that other people needed to know. Thus began my training and over 23 years later I am still just as passionate about supporting families. My clients and I are not strangers to one another. We get to know one another well before birth. As your doula I may be the only familiar face at a birth. For postpartum I want to be the trusted voice you can turn to for advice while you recover & experience the 4th trimester.

Trainings + Experience:

2000 - CAPPAas a Birth + Postpartum Doula, and Childbirth + Lactation Educator.

2008 -I attended an ICAN(International Cesarean Awareness Network) conference in Atlanta for continuing education. Immediately I knew we needed a local chapter in Knoxville, TN.

2009 - I opened our local ICAN chapter, active from 2009 to 2016, promoting VBAC (Vaginal Birth after Cesarean) and supporting people needing information about cesarean. The group is still active under the name Knoxville Cesarean & VBAC Support. Involvement with this group has taught me the art of listening as well as given me extensive knowledge concerning VBAC, Cesarean birth + recovery, and how to empower clients and others to advocate for the birth experience they deserve even in high risk situations.   

2014 - I trained and certified as a HypnoDoula through HypnoBabies. The program teaches you to have a peaceful, calm birth using self-hypnosis. The training was the most extensive doula training I have received and my clients love the program.

2023- I dual certified withLifeSpan Doulas as a Postpartum Doula

2023- I added Newborn Care Specialist Certification through Cradle Coach Academy

I have attended over 700 births, have extensive working knowledge of area hospitals and OB/GYN groups, home birth midwives  and options available to you in deciding where and how to birth. I have worked with high risk, low risk, VBAC, Cesarean, home birth, hospital birth, birth center. I have worked with families of all backgrounds and from all corners of the globe and I have even traveled to clients out of state when my schedule allows. I would love to support YOU​!

I have helped over 1000 families with postpartum, specialize in twins and have experience with medical situations with either a parent or a baby. I like to keep your house hold running and make your life easier. Currently most of my availability is at night so the families I work with can rest while I care for baby and light household duties. Book early-- I am often booked months in advance!

Kimberly Sebeck, CLD, CCCE, HCHD, CPD

865-705-7734 (PREG)